Standings Tracer

Visually explore ranking changes in football/soccer seasons.

There are hundreds of matches in each season. The standings table can tell you the final outcome, but does not necessarily tell a good story of the teams' journies throughout the season. This project aims to surface more information to give you the sense of what it was like in each season: the excitement and dramas of the title races, the struggles of battles to avoid relegations, the ups and downs of invidual teams, and many more patterns yet to be explored.

Use the controls below to select country, season and division of your choice, or explore an unknown season with the Random! button. You can also toggle between the traces and table views.

Premier League 2013-2014
 = Team     = Teams with equal points       = Points (Each dash is one point.)

How to read and play with the chart above?

  • Every line that is drawn from left to right represents one team. Place cursor over the team name or line to see more details. Click on it to keep the details even after you move the cursor somewhere else. Click again to clear the details.
  • The x-axis represents time. Each column is a match, from the first match on the left to the last match on the right. Place cursor on the column header to compare standings at that point with the final results. Click on it to keep the comparison and click again to clear.
  • The y-axis encodes relative points and is shown as vertical dashed lines. Each match has a different scale based on the minimum and maximum points of all teams after that match. These are discrete scales with each dash representing one point. For example, the first match has four dashes for zero, one, two and three points.
  • All the team lines that are on the same dash have equal points. They are sorted according to the goal difference. To emphasize teams with equal points, markers (white rounded rectangles that looks like subway interchange stations) are added on top of these lines.